Posts Tagged ‘index’

NOTE: Usual warnings apply. Do a backup before making any changes. If you are unsure about anything in the post then ask or look for more information or help before attempting it.

Over time WSUS will accumulate update metadata that can create performance issues for clients. In large environments this can be quite an issue.

There is a script Microsoft often provides during Premier Support calls to cleanup this update metadata, however there are a few issues:

  • The query can take a *really* long time to run if there are a lot of updates to cleanup. In some cases it can take *days*
  • You need to stop all the WSUS services while it runs
  • If it fails for whatever reason, it will have to start all over because it doesn’t commit the changes until it completes successfully
  • While it runs, the TEMPDB and Transaction logs will grow quite significantly until the data is committed
  • It gives no useful information on progress

There is a TechNet article (This is essential reading and has LOTS of important stuff) and a Forum Post where an improved version was written that gave progress of the cleanup, however it didn’t address the temp/transaction growth issues or the time issues. To this end I have applied my very rudimentary SQL scripting skills.
