Archive for August, 2014

I don’t have a fix of my own for this, but I am seeing a lot of people finding my site through various search engines from my previous Windows RT fix. This is not an issue I have experienced and at the moment is not something I am looking into.

If you need help then the following Microsoft article has some details on a fix.

If you know of another site with more “friendly” instructions, let me know and I’ll link it here. If this problem persists, or if I encounter it myself I will look to post my own fix if nothing else appears from Microsoft.

Looking for a quick way to migrate your server files and shares to a new server while keeping all the permissions in-tact?

This blog has the simplest method I’ve found. A simple xcopy (could substitute robocopy with /mir for increased functionality) and a simple reg export/import for the shares. Brilliant.

Migrate Files And Shares To Server 2012 Guide


This has bugged me for YEARS.

Take a column full of US dates in Excel that have been formatted as text and convert them to a “proper” format that can actually be used to sort by… i.e. the date format used by the rest of the world.

While annoying, this is relatively easy if all your dates are in fixed width mm/dd/yy (e.g. 03/12/14) or mm/dd/yyyy format, you can just use simple mid/left/right formulas to extract them knowing exactly where each will be.

If on the other hand the dates are in m/d/yy (e.g. 3/5/14 or 25/11/14) or m/d/yyyy format then it gets a bit messier as you now need to start finding and splitting the text at the slashes.

Today I found a really simple way to do it.
