Posts Tagged ‘domain controller’

WARNING: This is intended for use in a lab environment rather than production. Given the nature of domain controllers, all details here should be used with extreme caution as damage is HIGHLY POSSIBLE and data loss is a risk.

At various time I want to test something that I want to install on my production system at home without actually risking damaging anything. The easiest way I find is to make a copy of the virtual machine hard disks and start them up attached to a new LAB version of the machine, on an isolated Virtual network of course. This works fine for Domain Controllers also which makes it quicker to test things like Exchange with your actual configuration.


Let me say this first of all – Do not try this at home. The following is not a “strategy”, it was a last desperate act to recover *something* from *nothing*. In this case it seems to have paid off, but there is still a lot of work to do.

Following on from my previous post about the serious disk crash experience…

After spending more time than I should have curled in a ball, rocking back and forth and hoping something would just start working by itself, I finally realised that I didn’t really have any proper options left. I was at the point where *anything* was an option, there was no longer a wrong way to do things.


I should have seen it coming.

First, I’m on the phone to Microsoft *again* because the it turns out the issue I raised to return the replacement Touch cover wasn’t actually created. So the whole process of doing that again.

Then email from Twitter telling me my account was one of the ones that had its details compromised and that I needed to change my password. A fairly simple process I guess, but with all the various devices and apps that hook into Twitter it seemed more painful than it should have been.
