Archive for the ‘Windows Phone’ Category

A quick link reference so I don’t keep having to hunt for it in the future. Finding what the current release status is for Windows Phone updates in Australia

After 4 years of trusty and indestructible service from my Samsung Omnia 7 I’ve finally upgraded my phone. Although I would *love* to get the latest shiny thing as soon as it comes out, I also have an issue with the whole throw-away mentality that consumer technology seems to have created. I tend to use my technology to the point where it is no longer able to do what it’s intended purpose is. Essentially, I will use it to death.

So after going through the pain of deciding if I was going to stick with Windows Phone or make the jump to Android (iOS really doesn’t appeal to me) the Lumia 930 was released. So I folded and decided to give MS one more go. Fingers crossed they don’t abandon me again like they did with WP7.

I’m not reviewing the phone in detail here, just listing my observations and comparisons against the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) environment I’m coming from.

(Updates added to the end of the post as I go)
