Posts Tagged ‘error’

A quick reference for the error codes when you get Activation error in Windows


While installing multiple new ConfigMgr 2012 Management Points I was seeing a non-specific failure with an error code of 1603. Much troubleshooting and any web searches later, I discovered that there were in fact three different issues across the different servers that all failed with the same uninformative error.

  1. HTTPS binding missing in IIS
  2. Old WMI information from previous CM2007 client
  3. BITS not installed correctly

This was really quite bizarre. When I had found the “solution” and tried applying it to other servers I found that they had a different issue, which led to a mix of all three of the above. The old WMI issue being the most prevalent.


A light hearted post that I will update over time as I find new examples of typos and error in ConfigMgr log files.

(note: changed to be typos in ConfigMgr in general now)
