Hyper-V Powershell command are missing

Posted: April 2, 2013 in HyperV, Powershell, Solved
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In my never ending quest to learn a new thing everyday, I decided I needed to spend more time with Powershell. After a recent Hyper-V issue it seems it would be just the thing to help. So imagine my surprise when nothing I did could get the Hyper-V PS commands to work!

It turns out that because my server had been upgraded to Server 2012 from 2008R2, when the Hyper-V role is installed, the Hyper-V PS module isn’t.


I found the following blog post that gave me the answer I needed

So in short, open Powershell and run

 install-windowsfeature -name hyper-v -IncludeManagementTools

or through the GUI:

  1. Open the “Add Roles and Features Wizard”
  2. Click Next through to add Features
  3. Select “Remote Server Administration Tools | Role Administration Tools | Hyper-V Management Tools | Hyper-V Module for Windows PowerShell”
  1. This is a project I created at pshvm.codeplex.com (microsoft’s open source code website). It is a free powershell scripted project that is semi-GUI and meant to be ran from the vhost console. It takes up where sconfig and corefig have left off. It allows you to configure the vhosts virtual paths, create vswitches, even has an advanced function to create NIC teams (written by Eric Siron). Then it walks you through creating a VM, connecting to that VM and editing the VM if needed. It has built a reporting and inventory feature. Check it out and see if it is something you could write about. I threw in some useful freeware to make working from the very lack luster core console easier. This is aimed at the single stand alone Free Core Server 2012 segment, who do not want or need to learn powershell.

    My blog is stephanco.blogspot.com
    I am not a professional coder so my scripts are rough but they work.

  2. Konstantin says:

    Wow, thanks, I cannot belive I’ve missed that!

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